Thoughts on various topics:
KnitFlame, a wonderful group hosted at Yahoo, uses 42 as the answer to everything. Amusing, yes? As a believer since I first read the Hitchhiker books, it must be noted that I put that on this blog before I heard of KnitFlame.
For some reason, it seemed I was making great progress on the various knitting projects I've started (see August 31 entry). I finished the shades of lime Fixation socks and the Fortissima Mexico socks, and am making great progress on the Opal Magic and Regia Linien socks. But (there's always a but, isn't there?) startitis struck!
In part, it's a good thing. I finally had the good sense to rip out the incredibly ugly-what-was-I-thinking Take5 vest (Knitters, sometime in the last couple of years). It was an ugly design to begin with, and it was clear that I didn't plan to finish the thing since it's been waiting for the shoulders to be bound off for more than a year. The yarn is a lovely lumpy bumpy shades of milk chocolate, cinnamon, teal, forest and dark chocolate (brand unknown) from the markdown bin somewhere. It is becoming that strange short poncho, long scarf thing knit it in the round from Sally Melville's _The Knit Stitch_.
I'm also starting Aimee from White Lies Designs, Cables After Whiskey from Lucy Neatby, and several others that are still in the thinking/planning/swatching/checking the stash stage.
OK, so I've reached the point again this year where it's almost time to rip the tomatoes out by their little roots! Picked tomatoes Sunday, Romas, from the plants that grew their cages right out of the ground one weekend. 2 plants done and I have a laundry basket of sauce tomatoes. 4 Romas to go, 3 Mama Mias and 9 other eating tomatoes, and I'm sick of the little darlings.
The roses are really loving our sudden cool spell! The colors and fragrance are the best since early May.
The rest of the yard needs work. I'm into renovating and removing at the moment, but painting the fence is the first autumn project. Need to get that done before the rains set in.
Cats and Kittens
Full House kitten is 3 months old and weighs 4 pounds. Eats like a piglet, sucks on my nightgown neckline (is there a kitten pacifier?) and is finally getting control over those needle sharp claws. Eye infection is back, or he got swatted by a bigger cat, so he's getting the ointment in the eye again.
Updated Project List
shades of red KPPPM waffle patterned socks (1 complete)
shades of lime green Fixation fast Florida footies (done!)
green Opal magic plain 3x1 ribbed socks (1 complete, 2nd started)
charcoal Regia linien plain 3x1 ribbed socks (1 complete, 2nd started)
petrol colors Match spiral ribbed socks (1 complete)
stained glass Kroy socks 2x2 ribbed socks (3/4 done)
Fortissima mexico 3x1 ribbed socks (done!)
apricot Opal Royal socks in waving lace pattern (1/2 done)
olive, coral, brown twisted rib Opal socks (1 complete)
Sockotta in zinnia colors, feather and fan pattern (1/2 done)
gold and brown Opal handpaint, ribbing done, pattern undecided
Sockenwolle olive green purl lace socks (1/2 done)
Other items on the needles:
Ken's afghan - 10 rows to go! It's huge and heavy, and very, very gray!
Viking Turid in purple Sensuwool for my sister, Marcia
Relationships sweater in coral Cotton Fleece for my s-i-l Jena
Bookworm vest in rust wool tweed (?) for me
Yellow Salsa and white cotton summer sweater for me
Angelina Jacket ( in cream mohair - stuck on the ribbing - for me
Purples Rambling Rows afghan
Sage and cream Woolspun sweater, my design, stuck on the sleeves
Cotton Monterey and chenille sweater, Crystal Palace design, back done, front started
Best Friend Jacket in Hayfield Iceberg Chunky, barely started
Mohair and chenille argyle vest, needs armhole ribbings!
Citrus colors Shapely Tank (White Lies Designs) probably will be frogged as I've lost weight!
Peach angora seamans scarf
Assorted scarves and slippers and baby things for gifts