It's too darn hot! I left the desert on purpose, and it's totally uncalled for in the Bay Area!
OK, now I feel better.
Spent most of Labor Day watering the gardens. It's been hot for several days, and they were just parched. The purple fountain grass is taking over again; it needs to be divided this year. Ken wants it along the redwood fence, which means the fence should be watersealed before planting. Guess I know what's on my plate for the next weekend or 2.
The roses look like they've fried. The petals are crisp and burned. It seems only the tomatoes and beans are really happy. Oh, and the black ipmoea that the garden store said really preferred partial shade! If it grew any faster, I suspect it was a variant of kudzu, and that's in full sun.
Cat Notes
The new kitten, Full House, is making a great recovery and is growing like a weed. He gained a pound the first 2 weeks with us, and is feisty as he can be! He's now 8 weeks old and weighs 2.5 pounds. Complete control over his needle-sharp claws hasn't happened yet, however, and our legs look like scratching posts!
The other cats act as if Full House is the spawn of the devil, and are not yet sure they want to be friends. He's still mostly isolated until he completes his first round of shots in 3 weeks. He plays with Smokey a lot because she believes the bathroom where Full House spends most of his time is really hers. She would rather endure his being there than find another place she likes as much.
Back to Work
The Labor Day holiday was much needed and much appreciated. I got some sleep, organized some knitting and made progress on a couple of socks too! The gardens and yard don't look as dry, the tomatoes are ripening nicely, and there was even time for reading the current murder mystery.
Life is good!